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  1. Farther:

    • "Farther" is an adverb or an adjective used to refer to physical distance, typically in a literal or measurable sense.
    • Example (adverb): "They walked farther than they had anticipated." Here, "farther" indicates a greater physical distance than expected.
    • Example (adjective): "The farther hill looked steeper than it appeared from a distance." In this sentence, "farther" describes the hill as being more distant than another.
  2. Further:

    • "Further" is primarily an adverb or adjective used to refer to an extent or degree, often in a figurative or metaphorical sense.
    • Example (adverb): "She wanted to delve further into the topic." Here, "further" indicates an extent or degree of inquiry or exploration.
    • Example (adjective): "We need to consider the further implications of this decision." In this sentence, "further" describes additional or subsequent implications beyond what has already been considered.

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