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  1. Empathy:

    • "Empathy" is a noun that refers to the ability to understand and share the feelings, emotions, or experiences of another person, often by imagining oneself in their situation.
    • Example: "She showed empathy towards her friend who was going through a difficult time." Here, "empathy" refers to the ability to understand and share her friend's feelings.
    • Example: "The therapist's empathy helped the patient feel understood and supported." In this sentence, "empathy" refers to the therapist's ability to understand and share the patient's emotions.
  2. Sympathy:

    • "Sympathy" is a noun that refers to feelings of compassion, sorrow, or pity for someone else's hardships or suffering, without necessarily sharing their emotions or experiences.
    • Example: "He expressed sympathy for the family who lost their home in the fire." Here, "sympathy" indicates his feelings of compassion and sorrow for the family's loss.
    • Example: "The community showed sympathy by offering support to those affected by the natural disaster." In this sentence, "sympathy" refers to the community's expression of compassion and support for the affected individuals.

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