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  1. Lose:

    • "Lose" is a verb that means to be deprived of something or to fail to keep possession of something.
    • Example: "She didn't want to lose her keys again." Here, "lose" indicates the action of being deprived of or misplacing the keys.
    • Example: "They lost the game by a narrow margin." In this sentence, "lost" indicates failing to win the game.
  2. Loose:

    • "Loose" is an adjective that means not firmly or tightly fixed in place or free from confinement.
    • Example: "Her shoelaces were loose, so she tied them tightly." Here, "loose" describes the shoelaces not being firmly tied.
    • Example: "The horse had a loose saddle that needed to be tightened." In this sentence, "loose" describes the saddle not being firmly secured.

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