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  1. Coarse:

    • "Coarse" is an adjective that describes something rough or lacking refinement, typically having large particles or uneven texture.
    • Example: "The sandpaper had a coarse texture, suitable for rough surfaces." Here, "coarse" describes the rough texture of the sandpaper.
    • Example: "She disliked the coarse language used by some of her classmates." In this sentence, "coarse" describes the rough or vulgar language.
  2. Course:

    • "Course" can be a noun or a verb with several meanings. As a noun, it can refer to a direction, path, or route, or it can refer to a series of educational lessons or subjects.
    • Example (noun, direction): "The river changed its course after heavy rainfall." Here, "course" refers to the direction or path taken by the river.
    • Example (noun, educational): "She is taking a French course at the community college." In this sentence, "course" refers to a series of educational lessons or subjects.

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