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  1. Compliment:

    • "Compliment" is a noun or a verb used to express praise, admiration, or approval for someone or something.
    • Example (noun): "She received a lovely compliment on her new hairstyle." Here, "compliment" refers to a positive remark or expression of admiration.
    • Example (verb): "He complimented her on her excellent presentation." In this sentence, "complimented" indicates the action of praising or expressing admiration.
  2. Complement:

    • "Complement" is a noun or a verb used to indicate something that completes or enhances something else by adding to it or making it whole.
    • Example (noun): "The red wine was a perfect complement to the steak." Here, "complement" refers to something that enhances or completes the taste of the steak.
    • Example (verb): "Her skills complement his strengths in the team." In this sentence, "complement" indicates the action of enhancing or completing his strengths.

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