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  1. Practise:

    • "Practise" is a verb, primarily used in British English, that means to perform or engage in an activity repeatedly in order to improve one's skill or proficiency.
    • Example: "She practises the piano for two hours every day." Here, "practises" indicates the action of repeatedly playing the piano to improve skill.
    • Example: "They practise their dance routine every evening." In this sentence, "practise" denotes the action of rehearsing the dance routine regularly.
  2. Practice:

    • "Practice" is both a noun and a verb, used in American English and also in British English, though less commonly as a verb, that refers to the act of performing or engaging in an activity regularly or repeatedly to improve skill or proficiency.
    • Example (noun): "Regular practice is essential for mastering a new language." Here, "practice" refers to the regular engagement in the activity.
    • Example (verb): "He practices meditation every morning." In this sentence, "practices" denotes the action of engaging in meditation regularly.

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