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  1. Allude:

    • "Allude" is a verb that means to make an indirect or casual reference to something, typically without explicitly mentioning it.
    • Example: "He alluded to his troubled past during the conversation." Here, "alluded to" indicates that the person hinted at or indirectly referenced his troubled past without directly stating it.
    • Example: "The author often alludes to historical events in his novels." In this sentence, "alludes to" indicates that the author makes indirect references to historical events in his novels.
  2. Elude:

    • "Elude" is a verb that means to escape or evade something, typically in a skillful or cunning manner.
    • Example: "The suspect managed to elude the police for several days." Here, "elude" indicates that the suspect successfully avoided capture by the police.
    • Example: "The solution to the puzzle continues to elude me." In this sentence, "elude" indicates that the solution to the puzzle remains difficult or impossible to grasp or understand.

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